
Manage stress and anxiety, promote calm
and achieve integration in your life.
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For an individual to grow—whether it's as a leader, a professional, or simply as a person—the mind, the heart and body must be in alignment. For an organization to achieve its goals, each individual must be able to work harmoniously with others.

This conscious pursuit of integration binds together everything Jennifer H.G. Connelly does, from Birkman consulting to development coaching, to Inner Work with the Enneagram, to public speaking, to in-person and virtual development work with DiSC and Five Behaviors of Cohesive Teams, to yoga and professional retreat services.

With her own experience as a mindfulness practitioner in the workplace, plus her years of teaching and assisting others as a certified Samapatti yoga instructor and meditation teacher, Jennifer is uniquely qualified to share the benefits of mind-body integration with today's professionals.

Jennifer offers private, yoga or meditation packages for individuals through Zoom. Jennifer also leads virtual and in-person mindfulness sessions for teams and on an individual and monthly-session basis. Jennifer received her yoga and yoga therapy training from The Yoga Room and is a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists.

To listen to a guided practice on mindfulness, head to Jennifer’s SoundCloud album featuring her custom Mindfulness Minutes.

Yoga mat

When body and mind are consciously integrated, the benefits can be seen in one's professional and personal life. To bring the benefits of mindfulness practice to your own life or within your organization, contact Jennifer today.
